Got any empty wine bottles lying around? Get crafty while making these crafty DIY wine bottle ideas for the garden!
1. Wine Bottles in the Garden as Hanging Decoration

Get creative and decorate some old bottles. Use paint, glitter — anything! Then hang them up for a beautiful display in the garden.
2. Wine Bottle Edging

A unique and simple way to use empty wine bottles. Frame your garden with a colourful glass edging. A DIY article is available on Mother Earth News
3. Wine Bottle Upside-down Planter

Empty wine bottles are great to grow low-maintenance trailing plants upside down. For a full tutorial click here.
4. DIY Bird Feeder

A DIY wine bottle bird feeder is an amazing way to make your garden more bird-friendly. Enjoy the chirps and tweets that nature has to offer! You can check out a detailed DIY post on Rebecca’s bird garden.
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