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DIY Wine Cork Cheese Knives

Wine lovers know how big a pile of old corks can grow. However, instead of just throwing them out, reuse them for this awesome DIY! To make these, you’ll need a few wine corks and some inexpensive cheese knives. You can use knives you already own, or buy some at a thrift store. No need to find a matching set, since you’ll be switching out the handles anyways!

Pull the knife portion out from the handle. You can do this just bypulling hard and twisting the handles a little bit. If your handles don’t separate easily, you may need to break them off with a mallet. You should now see some long stems at the base of your knives. Push these stems into the corks. If your corks have holes leftover from the corkscrew, you can use the same holes–or simply cut a slit in the top of the corks.

That’s honestly it! The corks expand and hold onto the knife pieces really well, so you might not even need to use glue to secure them together. Such an easy project, and could even make a great gift, along with a good bottle of wine and some fancy cheeses.


Originally by: Aileen

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