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Find the 8 Great Wine Matches for Roast Chicken


  • White burgundy or other good quality oaked chardonnay

A blissful match with a simply roast chicken without much done to it – or accompanied by mushrooms or truffles.. Likewise a great choice if you’re flavoring it with tarragon or serving it with a velvety sauce.

  • Viognier

This abundant white is a good choice when you have a somewhat spicy packing or one with fruit like apricots in it.

  • Red wine red or various other top quality pinot noir.

Once again, a good selection for a merely roast chicken offered with its very own juices or with truffles as above.

  • Beaujolais-Villages

If you’re offering the chicken at area temperature level with a salad or flavoring it with lemon a good Beaujolais Villages or cru Beaujolais like a Brouilly is a great selection for springtime or summertime drinking.

  • Cates-du-Rhane Towns

The generous sweet taste of a grenache-based Cotes-du-Rhone Towns is ideal. If you’re making a more traditional, meaningful gravy or are offering a lot more highly flavored vegetables. Watch out for particular villages such as Cairanne and also Vacqueyras.

  • Cider

Chicken and cider is a marital relationship made in heaven which specifically puts on roast chicken. Usage cider in the gravy as well.

  • Golden or blonde ales

The draft beer world’s matching of Chardonnay: smooth, slightly sweet and merely scrumptious with chicken. Roast chicken is likewise among the staples of the Oktoberfest where they serve it with a light Helles lager but you could additionally appreciate it with a much more full-bodied one like Budweiser Budvar or Brooklyn.

  • Sparkling wine

It could appear elegant yet if you’re in the state of mind to spray out, a complete bodied champagne like Bollinger or Louis Roederer is excellent with a roast chook – it’s the umami preference of the chicken skin that does it!