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Hosting a Blind Wine Tasting


It’s easy and more objective to taste wine “blindly”. You don’t need a blindfold, although some will go for the bondage look for fun. All you need to do is conceal the labels, so everyone can sip without hints. This is how sommeliers train their staff, and how wine retailers test their knowledge. Ideally, at your tasting the group should have a fairly even level of knowledge.

Whether you’re a sommelier, a enthusiast, or a novice, the experience of tasting blind is usually interesting. Even the experts get them wrong time to time, and that’s what makes it fun.

The general idea of a blind wine tasting is simple: cover the label, sniff, sip, and start guessing. But, as it is there are some extra steps that will help ensure the tasting is as educational as possible.

Begin Broad

Start with very general categories of wine, picking a different one each week. Start with, say, Italian whites, then move on to Italian reds. Italy has many varieties, so it’s good to split them up. French and Spanish wines each deserve their own week. But, staying within national borders doesn’t always make a good grouping. Alsace is a great example. Though the region is geographically part of France, the wine arguably has more in common with stuff from Germany and Austria. Likewise, New Zealand and Australia generally make a good pair. If regionality isn’t your thing, you could also group by style. For instance, devote one week to sparkling and the next to rosé.

 Picking Your Wine

Once you’ve selected your region, it’s a good idea to choose wines that represent what that particular place does best. In other words: wines that capture typicity in terms of a varietal or regional style. Although you might be a huge fan of Chris Brockaway’sSolano-grown, Berkeley-vinified Valdiguié, it’s not exactly the best representation of a California wine. That doesn’t mean you have to bring the oakiest, butteriest Cali Chard out there, but you want to consider what you’ll actually learn by blind tasting the wine. If it’s a wildcard wine (like an orange-vinified Greco from Campania), be prepared to justify what it teaches the group.

Ensuring Total Blindness

Unless you let a retailer pick your wine for you, you’ll be the only person who knows what you brought. To cover it up, wrapping it in tinfoil is a solid method. But, in some cases, you’ll want to cloak the entire bottle with a large bag, or even decant the wine, so as to hide the bottle shape. Most wine drinkers recognize a signature Burgundy or Bordeaux bottle right away.

Decanting 101

If you open the wine some time before the tasting, you may want to record the time you open it, as this will likely impact the taste. Likewise, if you choose to decant, do yourself the favor of tasting it from the bottle first, just in case there is a drastic change once it opens up in the decanter. You may want to let your fellow tasters know how many hours the wine has been open, or whether it changed through decanting.

How to Taste The Wines

A proper progression is important. Ideally, you go from whites to reds, or light to heavy wines, without giving out too much information. Of course, it’s hard to follow a formula like this without dropping hints along the way. For instance, the first bottle to arrive in a light-to-heavy sequence is more likely a Gamay than a Syrah. But, that’s OK — you don’t want to sacrifice your precious palates for the sake of simply maintaining darkness.

Guess like A Pro

Some people will be tempted to announce their guess right away, or start firing away questions. But first, take a moment to swirl, sniff, and sip the wine, letting it tantalize you, before you begin judging. And there are various formats for expressing your observations. Remember the movie Somm? That’s the Court of Sommeliers method, where you systematically go through each category of a wine’s attributes. This is what Pastuszak uses with his own sommelier team. The WSET method is similar. Tasters are first asked to comment on a wine’s appearance, remarking on qualities such as clarity, intensity and color. Then, they move on to the “nose” (intensity, aroma) and “palate” (sweetness, acidity, tannin, body, flavor characteristics, finish). Finally, they come to some  conclusions on the overall quality. You use a gradient of “low,” “medium,” and “high” to gauge where a wine sits on all of these spectrums. Unless you’re going for your somm qualifications, there’s no need to adhere rigidly to these guidelines, though they can be very useful.

Guess like A Regular Joe

A more relaxed approach would be allow each person to say a few things about the wine. Then, begin a round of yes or no  questions, starting with general things, like: “Is this wine a blend?” “Is this wine from Northern Italy?” “Does this wine age in new oak?” “Is this wine considered ‘natural?’” If someone’s question is answered with a “yes,” he gets to keep on asking. It’s up to you whether you want to disclose something about your wine before the round of questions begin. For example, you may want to just say up-front if it’s a blend, or if it’s a wild card. Eventually, someone will guess the wine’s location and varietal or blend, and maybe even the vintage and producer. It’s also fun to guess the wine’s price, or whether it’s considered high-end or grocery store quality. If not, you can always come to a consensus that it’s time to reveal. Then you move on to the next wine. You can take notes throughout the process, and at the end you should do a line-up of all the wines, showing the labels, take a photo, and send it around to the group.

Things To Have Handy

Obviously, you’ll want to research your wine as much as possible, probably from the importer’s web page, prior to the actual tasting. But, it’s also good to have some maps and information hanging around, whether on a device, with apps like Wine Maps or Winefolly Or, just a good old fashioned book like Jancis Robinson’s Oxford Companion to Wine or the World Atlas of Wine which she co-wrote with Hugh Johnson. The other thing you’ll need: a few strips of white paper, so people can tilt their glasses over it to see the wine’s color. The back of a white iPhone works for this, too. And tinfoil to cover wines is useful.

Moving Micro

Once you’ve done the larger categories, you can start to play around. Why not do your own “Judgment of Paris,” pitting American against French wines. Or, you could focus on sub-appellations and see if you can tell the difference between Pinot Noir from the Cotes de Beaune and the Cotes de Nuits, or between Left and Right Bank Bordeaux. Or, you could just bring a hodgepodge of wines, and test the knowledge you’ve gained over the months.

Keep On Sipping On

Wine is a lifelong love affair: you have to continually keep learning and challenging yourself. Pastuszak, who used to be a professional classical pianist, likened blind tasting to daily practice of an instrument: “You learn to perform a piece based on the technique and the fingerings, the volume adjustments. Only when you have the technical components down can you express yourself in a way that’s beautiful, not just rote and mechanical.”